Sunday, 9 February 2014

Sunday Summary - Shopping, Interview

Instagram photos of the week L-R: Soap & Glory stand in Boots, selfie before going out to lunch.

I recently decided to start doing a weekly round up post every Sunday. I used to do a series - which you may remember - called Week in Photos, but in the end I just wasn't taking enough photos per week to keep it up. Hopefully I can stick to this new series, but if I don't please don't kill me, haha! Let me know what you think of this series in the comments!

This week hasn't been that eventful, being in sixth form all week doesn't leave much time for exciting things, but I do have half term coming up shortly when I'll be in London almost every day, which I can't wait for!
I'm really enjoying volunteering at my junior school on Mondays - we get to help the year 3's with their art and things, and they're just so cute. This week has also come with quite a bit of stress - breaking up next week means that a lot of deadlines are being set, so I've got to get a move on and start doing some essays, get up to date on my art coursework etc. I've also been waiting to hear back from a job interview which has been quite stressful, and I still haven't heard yet so I'm just trying to put it out of my mind for now so I don't worry too much. Five people from my year ended up having the same interview, and two have heard back so far - the rest of us don't know yet. I guess I'll just have to wait and see!

I'm not sure if it counts as this week, but last weekend I went shopping and picked up quite a few bits which you can see here. As for this weekend, I've mainly been doing school work. However I did get to meet up with my friends earlier today for lunch, which was really nice! We went to our favourite cafe and had ham and cheese toasties, which were so tasty - they're quite possibly my favourite toasties of all time. 

Blog/post of the week: Late Night Nonsense
Channel/video of the week: HelloKaty 
Song of the week: Feelin' Myself - & Miley Cyrus
Book of the week: Paper Towns by John Green

What have you been up to this week?


  1. I love Paper Towns, it's a great book!

  2. This post does not make me miss college or school one bit, use to hate the weeks before half term. So much work to get finished and so little time. I love the Soap and Glory stands, I could buy every product!


  3. I love Paper Towns too, such a great book! x

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD

  4. I've never heard of Paper Towns, but if it's a John Green book, well.. count me in! I love this new series! :)



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