Sunday, 31 May 2015

Sunday Summary

Today's post is a bit of a random, chatty one! As I've been on half term this week, it's been all about revision, but I still wanted to keep to my regular Sunday schedule so instead I thought I'd just talk about what's been going on recently.

My first exam is a week on Monday - if you didn't know, I take Spanish and Biology and so I have three exams coming up over the next couple of weeks. Because of this, it's likely that I may drop off the blogging radar soon, but once they're all out of the way I promise to make it up in terms of content. Other than constant work, I've also been doing the 30 Days of Yoga Challenge, which has kept me relaxed as well as active - I'd definitely recommend trying it out.

I also went shopping today, which was a nice break. I doubt that I'll do a haul but I picked up a few simple bits from Primark, some nice summer tops from H&M as well as some Mom shorts from Topshop. Other than that, I've become completely obsessed with Grey's Anatomy (if you follow me on Twitter I'm sure you're well aware of this fact) - I'm just about to start season 11 now! I'd 100% recommend watching it if you haven't, although if you have exams then maybe start afterwards because it often ends up distracting me from revision! Music wise, my study playlists have mainly consisted of Marina and The Diamonds' album Froot and Lana Del Rey's Ultraviolence.

What have you all been up to lately?


  1. I love marina and the diamonds :) I'm so glad I don't have to revise anymore :P

    Meme xx

    New Post:
    'I Quit Sugar For Life Recipe Book//GIVEAWAY'

  2. My half term has been all about revision too! I take English Language, Textiles and History. I treasure every little break I get haha. Good luck in your exams :)

    Laura x

  3. Good luck with the exams! I only have one exam left so I am so excited to finish for the summer.
    Also would love to see a haul post. :)

  4. Good luck with your exams! My last one is on Thursday :)

    Cadaea |

  5. I love H&M! Good luck with your exams! x

  6. Good luck with your exams


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