Sunday, 22 November 2015

My University Photo Wall featuring Cheerz

Before I start, I just want to say sorry for not keeping up with my blog recently. As I mentioned in my last couple of posts, I'm in my first term of university and so my life has been pretty busy. Not only that, but it's been hard to find the motivation and enough relevant content. Anyway, for now I'm back and I have a few other posts in the works so hopefully my schedule should be back to normal by Christmas.

Recently I was given the opportunity to review some photos* from the brand Cheerz. I jumped at the chance because I'd already started creating a photo wall in my uni room (the large photos in the middle are ones I printed myself). As you can see, we have pretty boring cream brick walls and so I wanted to decorate them to make the room a bit more homely. Cheerz has a really cute website with lots of products to choose from, including the ones I picked - the Strips and the Christmas Cheerz Box.

The Strips are shown in the last photo, where you get five strips with four photos on each. You can also add text at the bottom to personalise them. The Christmas Cheerz Box is a set of 30 photos, printed in an almost polaroid style and packaged in a gorgeous printed box. You can also add text to these or customise the colour of the frame but I chose to leave them plain. The quality of the product is amazing for the price - they feel really professional. You can also choose various methods of uploading your photos, including selecting them from your Instagram or Facebook account.

Overall, I really love my new photo prints as they make my wall so much more interesting and are a nice little reminder of home. If you fancy making an order yourself, you can use my code SOPMAVC to get £4 off!

Have you ever purchased any photos from Cheerz?


  1. I've heard quite a bit about cheerz but I've never bought anything, however your wall looks so good! Such a lovely, personalised wall xx

    Sam // Samantha Betteridge

  2. Looks so cute!

  3. Ahh this looks so cute, such a good idea to brighten up your room!

    Millie x | Millies Wardrobe

  4. I had a photo wall in college but it didn't look as organized & gorgeous as yours. :]

    // ▲ ▲

  5. Aww I miss the lovely cream brick walls at uni! Looks great!

    Saskia /

  6. I seriously need to check this site out - I want to do a collage wall like this! xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty


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